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Who am I and how did I become a yoga teacher?

My name is Laure.

A graduate of the French Federation of Yoga Schools (FFEY), I discovered yoga at the age of 18. And I've been immersed in it ever since...

It was my mother, a yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer, who made me realize the magnitude of the discipline by taking me to the classes of Christian Tikhomiroff, her Natha Yoga teacher in Aix en Provence. She offered me her "memory aid" which allowed me to continue the practice, during my many trips, in a therapeutic way and to maintain my physical fitness at first.

I continued, in parallel with my circus school at first, and then in more depth, with an initial training focused on prânâyâmâs (breaths) between 2000 and 2003.

I gave yoga even more space in my life in 2016, by starting a long Natha Yoga teacher training. It was at the same time that I started teaching it.

I teach yoga to adults as well as children. As a school teacher and circus artist, I use my teaching skills and my in-depth knowledge of the body to create varied, adapted and progressive yoga classes.

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