Natha Yoga classes in Geneva.
Bagala yoga offers Natha Yoga classes, a traditional branch of Hatha Yoga from Varanasi in India.
The classes are suitable for everyone as Natha Yoga focuses on concentration, visualization and the circulation of energy to achieve a perfect posture. This will come into place naturally, gently, through practice.
The benefits of Natha Yoga
Resonances in the physical, energetic and mental bodies.
Natha Yoga, an ancestral branch of Hatha Yoga, is a yoga that combines asanas (postures), pranayama (breaths), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and yoga nidra (relaxation).
It allows you to let go while doing good to the body.
From a bodily point of view, it acts on the muscles, organs, the osteoarticular system and the endocrine system.
On an energetic level, it stimulates vital energy and the desire to undertake.
From a mental point of view, it helps to take a step back and develop willpower, good humor, and self-confidence.
And beyond all this, it opens the way to transcendent experiences and a deeper connection with the spiritual dimensions of existence.
- 30 Swiss francs